Haylee Hughes is a Physician Assistant, practicing medicine in the field of Psychiatry.
Born in Oklahoma, Haylee has lived in North Texas for most of her life. She attended
Edward S. Marcus High School before moving out of state to attend Oklahoma State
University, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science. During this
time, she spent time learning about many fields of medicine and pursuing her dream of
becoming a Physician Assistant. She was fortunate to be able to transition into PA
school immediately following graduation. She attended the University of North Texas
Health Science Center in Fort Worth, where she received her Master of Physician
Assistant Studies. She started her career in Internal Medicine and is now transitioning
into Psychiatry. She is passionate about providing a safe and caring environment for
each of her patients and providing evidence-based treatment to achieve the best
outcomes for each patient.
In her spare time, she enjoys reading, watching movies, going on walks with her
husband and playing card and board games with her family.